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CMA Central Delhi
CEP Study Circle

Since its inception in September 2020, CMA Central Delhi CEP study circle has been organizing rich and high calibre programs on topical themes with the objective of accruing respect among CMAs. So far, we have successfully carried out multiple professional programs with notable speakers from academia, government, industry and practice (such as CMA Anil Chaudhary, Former Chairman SAIL; CMA A K Tiwari, Member PNGRB; CMA P K Duggal, CEO Subros; CMA Dr. Pankaj Gupta, Dean at OP Jindal Global University; CMA Rakesh Singh, Former President ICAI-CMA; CMA M K Anand, ICoAS, former Principal Advisor (Cost); etc.)


We would like to convey our deepest gratitude to our donors (20 in number) for their valuable contribution, in the past. We are also happy to share that all our programs saw a consistent strength of 75-100 participants. In totality ~1785 CEP Hours have been awarded to all participants. 


Going forward, we are targeting ~100 CMAs to fund the Central Delhi CEP Study Circle with Rs. 500 each, to be utilized for meeting program expenses (~80%); and for increasing our digital footprint (~20%).


We look forward to your continued cooperation in propagating this noble cause.


CMA Sankalp Wadhwa, Convenor (

CMA Anoop Gupta, Dy. Convenor (

CMA Tejinder Singh, Treasurer-cum-Secretary (


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© 2020 - 2022 | CMA Central Delhi CEP Study Circle. | New Delhi ​

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